A few years before the pandemic, I stopped making New Year’s resolutions. The concept just seemed to rigid and like most people, I “failed” after just a few days or weeks. Yet the idea of change stuck in my head. I stumbled upon the idea of having a guiding principle. Nothing so set in stone as “lose 10 pounds” or “go to the gym 3 times a week”, but a thing to keep in mind as the year progresses. Nothing you can fail at.

Then the pandemic hit and the world got turned upside down.

For a few years I gave up on the idea of a theme/principle for the year; I was just trying to survive. At the same time gender hit me upside the head. This isn’t a post about my trans awakening, but being sheltered at home and worried about death made me re-evaluate things and the puzzle finally came together.

I’m reviving the yearly principle for myself. Today I sat down to journal and figure out what 2025 would bring and two words came to me:

Push Boundaries

So what does that mean to me? There is an unwritten “my” in the middle there (I like to keep the principle/theme pithy). Push the boundaries of my recovery, the boundaries of my anxiety, of my fears.